Sunday, April 29, 2012

Final Project

Part I:  Timeline of Craig, Alaska
 (Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska)

Craig Miller and 8 Haida men established a saltery at Fish Egg Island.  They capitalized on the herring spawn and to this day, the herring run remains a vital part of the economy and an opportunity to celebrate the history of Craig. 

The Craig Cannery was built and packed 57,501 cases in it's first year.  The first school, post office, and sawmill were also constructed and opened in Craig this same year. 

Wireless station, steamer visits, mail and freight shipments were established from Seattle and Ketchikan to transport fish as well as provide residents with basic necessities and communications needs. 

After the great depression and the beginning of WWII, the salmon run began to decline and pricing fell.

The second cannery, the Libby Cannery which was built in 1935 burned down greatly affecting the ability to package and ship salmon.

Alaska gains statehood and the new governor vows to reestablish the salmon fishery providing hope for the current residents of POW island.

ANCSA, or the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, was passed in 1971 which established Native corporations such as Shaan Seet, a Craig village coorporation which provided a new economy through the logging industry on Prince of Wales Island.

Part II:  Cause-Effect Statements

Due to the expansion of the fishing industry and cannery, mail, freight, and steamer visits were established to accommodate the shipments of fish from the cannery, and to provide the new residents with life necessities. 
Link:  Economy, Transportation, Population

The declining salmon runs of the 40's, destruction of the Libby cannery, and the WWII draft all contributed to the 50% population decline of Prince of Wales Island.  However, in 1959, when Alaska gained statehood, the new governor vowed to reestablish the salmon fishery of the island. 
Link: Economy, Government, World War II, Population.  

When ANCSA was passed in 1971, the Craig village corporation of Shaan-Seet was established and began to log the areas surrounding Craig.  This provided a huge population and economy jump as many loggers from the lower 48 began migrating to Craig for employment.
Link:  Government, Economy, Population/Settlement

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Module 9: Alaska Governance & Contemporary Issues

Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1971 - Discuss two ways that this legislation has impacted Alaska, and two specific ways that it has impacted Alaska Natives.

December 17, 1971 Cover Story Tundra Times:  Courtesy of Google Images
The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 impacted Alaska and its Native citizens in many ways.  Some of the impact was beneficial as was seen as opportunistic while other impacts were seen as detrimental to the Native culture.  

The first impact to Alaska was in relation to the oil industry.  Because a pipeline had to be established for the transportation of oil, the question of who would own the land were the pipeline was built became a major concern.  Through ANCSA, the pipeline land was "purchased" by the government and therefore had all control of this industry.  This in turn became a huge revenue for the state of Alaska and controlled much of the economy.  

A second impact that stemmed from the creation of the pipeline was Alaska's natural environment.  With the creation of the pipeline, many worried that much of the land would be uprooted and destroyed changing the unique landscape of Alaska and affective the current Native lands.  In order to compromise, Alaska passed a second act, the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980, which designated a vast amount of acreage as National Parks and protected wilderness areas.   

ANCSA not only impacted Alaska as a whole, but it also had several direct impacts on the Native populations.  Because the Alaska Settlement Act provided the Native corporations with a large upfront monetary compensation as well as access to oil-revenue sharing, the Natives saw this opportunity as a way to better their current standard of living.  They could use this money to develop their communities and villages for future generations.  Many Natives also loved the idea of having Title to their land that they considered theirs for years anyway.  However, not all parts of the bill were completely understood by the Natives corporations and the complexity of the petroleum industry often forced the Natives to compromise on aspects that were not always of their choosing. 

The Native Corporations as delegated by ANCSA:  Google
While the monetary funds and oil share was seen as beneficial, ANCSA clearly changed the scope of the freedom of Alaskan Natives.  Prior to the act, the Natives were all co-owners of a great body of shared land.  After the bill was passed, the scope was changed and the Natives become "shareholders" of corporately owned land which in turn led to the inability of Natives to make their own decisions of how to use the land as they saw best.  Because much land was given back to the government in this act, it led to the fear that the lands would be easily accessible to a governmental takeover and assimilation would take place, destroying the Native cultures that were being held onto for many generations.  Fred Bigjim summed up the potential crisis by stating, "What is happening to Native people in Alaska is not a new story; it is a new chapter in an old story." 

While the Native populations now operate under corporations and a smaller shared body of land, the unique Native cultures of Alaska have stayed strong and present since the settlement act. 

Identify the Alaska Senate and House Districts in which you live.  Identify the name  and political party of your state senator and representative.  Identify the type of local government you have (city? borough? what class?) Identify the tribal government, if any, in your area, and if possible find out if it is an IRA or traditional council.

I live in Craig, AK which is located on Prince of Wales Island and belongs in House District 5 Senate District C.  Our State Senator is Albert Kookesh and our House Representative is William "Bill" Thomas Jr.  
Courtesy of State of Alaska

Senator Kookesh is a member of the Democratic Party and was raised in Angoon since birth.  He is a commercial fisherman/market owner and is married with five children.  

Courtesy of State of Alaska
Representative Bill Thomas is a member of the Republican Party and has lived most of his life in Haines.  He is also a fisherman and is married with five children.  Representative Thomas was a member of our military and a Vietnam Vet receiving multiple awards for his service. 

Craig AK operates under a local city government and is also a part of the Central Council for Tlingit and Haida Tribes of Alaska (CCTHITA).  Other towns on POW island including Kasaan, Klawock, and Hydaburg are also a part of this Tribal governing body.  CCTHITA is one of only two federally recognized regional tribes in Alaska.  

How could you use this module in your professional practice? 

Although I currently teach Kindergarten students, I do not feel that this age is too young to begin teaching the local government systems in Alaska.  In order to help students develop into active community members and global citizens, they need to have an understanding of how our governmental system works and how governments work together; for instance how our local city government works along side our tribal government affiliation.  Of course, I would have to break this content down into the correct vocabulary and concepts for these young students but by demonstrating or modelling governmental processes such as voting and elections, students will begin to understand how they fit into a greater body and system.  

Colleague Comments

Nikki provided a wealth of information on the different affects of WWII on the political, social, and economic infrastructures of Alaska.  Very interested to read!

Lane had some wonderful videos imbedded in his blog that I found creative and interesting. 

Tina answered some of the same questions as I did, but had some different information.  It was great to see some sources that I had not found.  


What a wealth of information this week.  Although this module was considerably larger than past ones and took more time, I feel that I have gained a lot of valuable knowledge that I have not previously learned.  Alaska truly is a unique place and to read about the issues and historical government acts, it helps me gain a better understanding of the links and ties of many modules we have been studying. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Module 8 - World War II 1939-45: A Turning Point for Alaska

Explain how Alaska's location was considered 'strategic' during World War II.  What were the war activities/events that supported the perspective of 'strategic' Alaska?

Alaska was considered strategic during WWII for many reasons.  First of all, it was easy to see that it was the closest distance for the Japanese and Americans to attack each other through what is known at the Great Circle Route.   It was also the closest point for the Americans to supply other countries war efforts when the Lend Lease project was created.   Alaska also had a truly unique landscape with varying weather patterns and constantly changing climate conditions.  Because of this, it was unfamiliar and difficult at times to navigate for those trying to invade. 

There were several war efforts that supported strategic Alaska.  The first was the development of the Alcan highway which is still very significant today.  The Alcan highway provided other means of travel and transportation of materials to Fairbanks where they would be shipped out.  Also, many military bases were created on some of the small islands that would be first contact points such as Dutch Harbor, Kodiak, and Sitka.  This provided strategic locations for a direct defensive position.  
Army officers first to drive on the new Alcan Hwy. (Google)

What was the rationale for the Lend-Lease ALSIB project?

The Lend-Lease ALSIB project was the program which supplied war items and materials to the United Kingdom, Soviet Union, China, France, and other allied nations in exchange for the opportunity to put military bases in these countries.  It was first enacted to help Great Britain fight the axis powers, but expanded throughout other areas.  Approximately 50.1 billion dollars of materials were shipped to these areas.  Some scholars believe that by providing war materials to these other countries, the countries became a buffer which lessened the need for America to become directly involved in fighting Nazi Germany.

The ALSIB Northern Route was created as a result of the Lend Lease project and became the primary way in which planes were transported throughout the lower 48 and up into Alaska.  The military was contracted to build the Alcan Highway, one that is still extensively traveled today.  However, just like today, this road could be treacherous at times and created difficulties for the ferrying of these planes.

Courtesy of Bravo 369 Flight Foundation

I have always enjoyed learning about the World Wars but have never studied the Alaskan side of the war.  It was interesting to see how much Alaska was involved and the strategic advantages that Alaska held.  I'm surprised that Alaska's involvement in the war is not something typically taught in most school systems.  The links were interesting and has a better flow since the war follows a timeline framework.  
Colleague Comments

Kelley shared very clear and concise information on what influenced settlement patterns in many areas of Alaska. 

Peter shared great pictures of early settlements and mines in Alaska. 

Heathers blog is very visually appealing.  I love her placement of pictures and text as it creates an overall great flow. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Module 7: American Period - Society

To what degree is there distinctiveness in the art, literature, science, recreation, and cultural institutions of Alaska?  In what way do these contribute to, or reflect, a unique Alaska identity? 

Art: While many other areas of the United States have native tribes that display beautiful artwork, Alaska has its intricate totem poles that cannot be found elsewhere.  When I think of Alaska Native Culture, totems are the first thing that come to mind.  Each totem tells a unique story, one that has been passed down through oral tradition and permission. 

Totem Park in Klawock, Alaska taken by B. Tigerlily

Literature:  Literature written by Alaskans has personal touches that can only be recognized by residents of Alaska.  For example, I commonly read children's stories to my Kindergarten students about Alaska written by Shelley Gill.  Her stories such as Kiana's Iditarod, Mammoth Magic, and North Country Christmas portray details and illustrations that can truly be appreciated by Alaskan residents and provide a story that all can relate to. 

All three cover art pictures were taken from Shelley Gill's author website.  To visit the site for more books and information, click here.

Science:  Alaska has a little bit of everything.  It has the beautiful snow capped mountains surrounding communities like Valdez, the oceans and inlets of Southeast Alaska, the tundra and arctic areas of the interior, and the unique village communities of western AK.  Within these areas lie unique opportunities to study land formations, glacial recession, topography, and river and ocean life. 

Google Images
Recreation:  Alaska, in its truly diverse landscapes, has amazing opportunities for recreation that sometimes cannot be found elsewhere.  People come from all over the country to experience Alaska's unique fishing opportunities, from reeling in King Salmon and 80 pound halibut to catching pots full of crab and shrimp.  Caribou hunting is also a dream of many avid hunters and can be accomplished by a visit to the interior.  Along with hunting and fishing, cross-country and downhill skiing, kayaking, and canoeing and are popular pastimes that are a way of life for many residents.  The most unique recreational opportunity that is truly Alaska in its finest has to be dog sledding.  Feeling the rush of the cool Alaskan air while trusting a talented dog team to guide your path is an experience that few non residents can understand.

Cultural Institutions:  Alaska has many museums dedicated to preserving the history and cultures of Alaska.  Smaller areas and towns have local museums to showcase their culture such as the Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center in Sitka, as well as larger cultural institutions such as the Native Heritage Center in Anchorage.  Both types provide a wealth of information and artifacts that showcase Alaska.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is the farthest north public university in the United States.  What are the specialized academic areas at UAF that make it unique among American universities?  

The University of Alaska Fairbanks has many unique opportunities for degrees that directly benefit those that want to stay and work in Alaska.  UAF understands that many students come from very rural communities with a unique economy and situation.  Because of this, UAF has catered to these students by creating programs such as the Rural Development Major and the Rural Human Services Certificate.

Students in the Rural Development Program have the opportunity to concentrate and specialize on one of  the five following areas.

1) community business and economic development
2) community research and indigenous knowledge 
3) land, resources and environmental management
4) rural health and human services management
5) tribal and local government administration.

According tot he UAF Rural Development webpage,  Graduates in the Rural Development Program "typically take positions with tribal and municipal governments, fisheries, tourism and other private businesses, Native corporations, regional health corporations or non-profits, and
state/federal agencies."

Students in the Rural Human Services Certificate Program gain skills to become "natural helpers/healers in village-based public.  The curriculum draws extensively on resource people from the Native community and reflects a strong multicultural orientation that validates, incorporates and builds on Native values and principles."

Along with the Rural programs, UAF also offers many programs such as oceanography, fisheries, and many programs catering to our oil economy in relation to the pipeline.  They also offer majors in Alaskan Native Studies and Languages.  UAF truly wants to help Alaskan residents by providing the opportunity to see the value in their home state and ways to make one's home into a unique career focus.

To learn about UAF's unique programs in detail please visit the Academics Program Page here

What are the health care services available in your community?

Peace Health Clinic
Local branch provides basic clinic and testing services with visiting specialists throughout the month. 

Public Health Nursing
Our local branch of public health nursing provides multiple services that include immunizations, well baby exams, family planning, and community education.

Southeast Alaska Dental Centers
Island wide dental clinic that provides all minor and some major dental procedures. 

Alicia Roberts Medical Center SERHC
Native Alaskan medical center that provides emergency services as well as basic clinic work, exams, x-rays, and diagnostics.  

Colleague Reviews
I like how you relate transportation and communication concepts to your current focus which is healthcare.  You are connecting the dots that will be useful for our final project!

Thank you for including the Department of Transportation article.  Very interesting!

Your blog's format is very eye appealing and you provide a wealth of information that is in an easy to understand format.   


This weeks module seemed somewhat disconnected throughout the sections.  I felt that I was forced to jump from one topic to another and there weren't always clear connections.  For example, I feel that Education and the history of education in Alaska could be one module on its own as well as information on healthcare.  Although I enjoyed the resources and information in this section, when creating my blog, I felt that there wasn't a flow because of the differentiating topics of the module and varying essential and examine questions.